The Dead Sea isn’t just an awesome place to visit for vacation; its waters are full of mystery and intriguing properties too. This sea sits 430.5 meters below sea level, making it the lowest body of water on Earth, and it’s also one of the saltiest. The Dead Sea is nearly 10 times as saline as the ocean, which explains why it’s easy to float in its waters. This makes it relaxing, but does Dead Sea salt help eczema?
For years, this salty lake has been a haven for health and skincare enthusiasts. Researchers have found that the water in the Dead Sea is high in minerals, is low in pollen and other allergens, and even boasts less UV radiation than other bodies of water. Scientists have studied the effects of Dead Sea salt on various health conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, stress, and more. Aside from the undoubted benefits of minerals contained in Dead Sea salt, an actual visit to this incredible body of water may increase the overall healing effects on a human body. This is due to the combination of the unique climate, high salinity, and rich mineral content found not only in water but also in nourishing black mud.
Difficulties Faced by Eczema Sufferers
Eczema is a chronic skin disorder so it is a condition that requires constant care and maintenance. Anyone who has this skin condition knows how painful and irritating flare-ups can be. This occurs when the skin gets more red and itchy than usual and can be brought on by stress or environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, and toxins in the air. Given the lack of allergens in the Dead Sea, is Dead Sea salt good for eczema?
Perhaps, but it is important to keep in mind that eczema is very individualized. In other words, what works for one eczema sufferer may not be effective for another. This individualized approach makes it difficult to make sweeping claims about the effects of Dead Sea salt on the skin, although most skincare experts agree that sea salt is a great exfoliant in general. Paired with its mineral makeup, the salt from the Dead Sea could be an effective skin treatment for those with eczema.
Why it Might Work
The reason why it’s worth trying is that Dead Sea salt contains potent minerals that can help to exfoliate and remove toxins from the skin. For example, Dead Sea salt contains bromide, calcium, chloride, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.
Magnesium has anti-inflammatory properties that can be especially beneficial to those with eczema while bromide is useful against allergens and allergic reactions. The coarseness of the sea salt is great for sloughing away dead skin that can accumulate on the knees and elbows of eczema sufferers, helping to alleviate the inflammation, itchiness, and pain associated with the condition.
How to Use Dead Sea Salt for Eczema
A trip to the Dead Sea, if you can manage it, is a wonderful way to give your skin an exfoliating treatment even if you don’t have eczema. Many people in and around Israel take regular vacations to the Dead Sea to experience the skin-rejuvenating benefits of the waters. Besides that, simply floating in the Dead Sea is a great way to relieve stress and spend some quality time in nature.
For those who are further away, look for creams, lotions, and bath salts made with Dead Sea salt. A weekly pampering session can help to alleviate the itchiness and redness brought on by a flare-up; over time, Dead Sea salt treatments may lessen the prevalence of those flare-ups. Just be sure that the sea salt comes from the Dead Sea as regular sea salt won’t have the same mineral composition.
Again, the relationship between Dead Sea salt and eczema is a highly individualized one so take it with a grain of salt (pun intended). Along with a regular skincare routine, be sure to manage your stress and pay attention to your exposure to environmental pollutants and allergens.
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